£30 million available for home improvements from December 10, 2014
On June 1st 2014, the government made £120 million available to householders, landlords and tenants in the form of the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF).
Such was the speed of take-up that the application process was halted before the end of July 2014 as all the funds had been allocated!
Now, another £30 million is available from December 10, 2014.
Under this scheme, domestic energy customers ( which we all are! ) can help ourselves to
· Up to £4,000 towards solid wall insulation
· Up to £1,000 towards installing any TWO ( out of ELEVEN ) energy saving measures
· A £500 bonus for being a “new” home owner
· £100 towards the cost of a green deal advisory report ( this costs £150 VAT-free from Wirral EPCs )
Go to and check the full details of how to take up this offer. For re-assurance,you get a voucher BEFORE any installation work commences ( so there is no risk ) and then AFTER installation you return this voucher to claim up to £5,600.
For example, anyone who hasn’t got a gas condensing boiler can claim £1000 towards the cost of having one installed. However, this time around the boiler cannot incorporate a flue gas heat recovery unit to satisfy the two measure rule and an alternative measure will have to be added. The two measures must be recommended on an EPC or a GDAR.
The GDHIF scheme is extremely flexible and can be tailored to every person’s needs. What is more, it is all-embracing, with no pre-qualifications such as applicants being on benefits, etc. ( as still is the case for ECO funding ). The only limitation to the householder is whether there is going to be anything left at the time of the application!
£30 million available for home improvements from December 10, 2014
On June 1st 2014, the government made £120 million available to householders, landlords and tenants in the form of the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF).
Such was the speed of take-up that the application process was halted before the end of July 2014 as all the funds had been allocated!
Now, another £30 million is available from December 10, 2014.
Under this scheme, domestic energy customers ( which we all are! ) can help ourselves to
· Up to £4,000 towards solid wall insulation
· Up to £1,000 towards installing any TWO ( out of ELEVEN ) energy saving measures
· A £500 bonus for being a “new” home owner
· £100 towards the cost of a green deal advisory report ( this costs £150 VAT-free from Wirral EPCs )
Go to and check the full details of how to take up this offer. For re-assurance,you get a voucher BEFORE any installation work commences ( so there is no risk ) and then AFTER installation you return this voucher to claim up to £5,600.
For example, anyone who hasn’t got a gas condensing boiler can claim £1000 towards the cost of having one installed. However, this time around the boiler cannot incorporate a flue gas heat recovery unit to satisfy the two measure rule and an alternative measure will have to be added. The two measures must be recommended on an EPC or a GDAR.
The GDHIF scheme is extremely flexible and can be tailored to every person’s needs. What is more, it is all-embracing, with no pre-qualifications such as applicants being on benefits, etc. ( as still is the case for ECO funding ). The only limitation to the householder is whether there is going to be anything left at the time of the application!